Saturday, November 28, 2015

Por fin vino la lluvia!

Well, there isn't much going on here. Today for Pday we have plans for futball, siestas, and enjoying the rain that just got here. I am not sure if I ever really explained the rain situation here in Lima, but basically, rain doesn´t exist. It just sprinkles and everyone gets really excited and calls it rain. 

So, the best part of this week was that we were finally able to get some youth out of their houses and do divisions. Slowly, we are getting our area up to par. It has really been a cool experience for me because even though we have a lot to improve on, I deeply feel that now is the time for our ward to progress. The two other areas in my district have progressed strongly. The both sets of Hermanas have great potential for December and are super excited to meet it! 

Right now we are currently teaching the family of a less active that we will rescue this week. They are so sweet! The less active is a returned missionary who did not have much support after the mission and left the church little by little. However, they have changed completly since we knocked the door! The parents are now excited to do a Family Night this week, and the nephew has been asking us if he can attend church Sunday, we told him we´ll swing by the house to pick him up. 

I have been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving and Christmas recently-we have starting planning for the month of December now- and I found myself rather surprised. Because as much as I would love to spend the holidays at home with family, I would much rather be here. One year ago, I was dying to be home for this time of year, but now, I would not change a single thing right now. I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but I invite you to find a greater joy and spread the gospel with a friend this holiday season!

Just want to end with this scripture. Jacob 4:12 This time I think I will invite you to look it up. 
Have a great week!

Elder Bradford 

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