Monday, June 13, 2016

El Ultimo - Adios

Well, this is my last letter. What a strange sentence. After two years it is finally coming to an end. I have grown so much in this two years and I feel sad to leave, but excited to see you all again. 

This week we had a visit from Elder Rasband. I woke up at 2:10 to wake the zone up and then went back to bed until 3 to shower. We left our little neighborhood of San Juan around 5 to get to Los Olivos around 7 to shake his hand. He spoke about the talk he gave in Conference a while back, The Divine Call of a Missionary. It was worth getting up a little early. 

I also just recieved an amazing miracle this morning. The zone leaders of Comas called me to tell me that Josefa, my peruvian grandma, is going to go through the temple this thursday to get her endowments and get sealed. I thought she was going to do it next month. Also, I just went last week with my companions, BUT through a grand miracle, I am now going Thursday to the temple with another missionary who was going to go wednesday but his companion doesn´t want to. It has all worked out so perfectly that I know God had this all planned out before the world was. I cannot wait to tell you all in person how the temple goes. Oh, Josefa also wants me to stand in for her dead husband. The temple has said that missionaries cannot particapate as spouses- but they can as children. I am praying that the Lord will allow an exception. 

I cannot believe that two years have come and gone. I testify that I have been a servant of God and a representative of His son Jesus Christ during these two years. I testify that this is Christ´s true and only Gospel- restored on the earth. Jesus is the Christ, that I know. The Book of Mormon testifies of Him, and I do too. 

Elder Bradford

Monday, June 6, 2016

El PenĂșltimo

Wow, this week has flown by! We have been doing a ton of work visits and have been trying a lot of different things. This week was super awesome because I was able to get to know some of the elderes a lot better. I was also able to return to my old area of Las Lomas to get some nice pure proseliting time in with Elder Martinez, and later Elder Gallardo in the lower area. I had the chance to talk to old friends and to see how they have stayed active and grown was amazing!

This week has also been rather full of jokes, Being in a trio is just a nonstop party!. During a lesson yesturday Elder Von made some small joke that no one understood but us and Elder Sanchez almost died laughing, It was so funny because the members starting laughing without knowing why and then we almost had to restart the lesson. Luckily, and with help from above, we made it through. 

Yesturday Peru had their electiones again, which meant no church meetings. Instead on saturday we invited all the investigatores to the stake center to watch On the Lord`s Errand, which is the life story of Presidente Monson. We had a solid 50 people show up- investigatores, converts, and some members. It went over really well and gave them all the chance to know the prophet a little better. 

Anyways, I hope everything is going well at home and will see you all soon. 

Elder Bradford

Monday, May 23, 2016


Sorry, but today is a busy day for the dying. 

This week Elder Sanchez and I recieved another companion- Elder Von Gunten! I had the chance to work with him for two days in Comas when his companion had an emergencia change and I left Elder Cowger in charge at the offices. He is super pumped up to work and we have just gone to work! We are not sure why exactly president put us in a trio, but we have zero complaints. 

Today I trained Elder Von Gunten how to do the informes, and since we got here late I don`t have a lot of time to write. I also have some videos to download for a bautism that we will have here later today. Renzo por fin se bautice!!!!!!!!! 

We also have some other issues for the zone that we have to take care of, so today will be go go go for us, but I would not have it any other way. 

All is going well, thanks Brooke for the wedding pictures! I will talk to you all next week. Take care!

Elder Bradford

Monday, May 16, 2016

Elder Sanchez

Well, changes happened. I am now with Elder Sanchez- el lider de zona mas joven segun su tiempo en la mision en la historia de la mision. He is from Colombia y speaks both spanish and english fluently. It has been awesome so far. We had a zone fast on Saturday and saw a plethora of blessings! We had five investigatores en the church and two were familias! 

I have gone through a very wide range of emotiones recently as my zone likes reminding me that I am an oldie in the mision. However, we are stoked for this month and the next one. The zone has progressed a ton! The missionaries are really giving it all they got. We have some old ones who are finishing this change and then there are some who are just starting. I am so grateful the Lord gave me this chance to work with them all. 

We recently put another fecha with Renzo. His baptismal date has fallen twice now but he now has a date for this Sunday at 5 and Elder Sanchez and I will move heaven and earth to get him there. He has waited for so long and we are so excited to see him in white. 

We are also waiting for a visit from Elder Rasband. He is coming 10 June and will talk to two or three diferent misions. This will make the second apostle that has passed through my mission. It has really been a great privilige to have them come talk to us. 

There isn`t too much more to report on. I love you all and hope that everything is going great. 

Elder Bradford

Monday, May 9, 2016

El ultimo cambio y bautismos!

Wow, well first of all Happy Mother`s Day!!! again. And second of all, I really don`t have too much to share today. 

This week we had the baptism of Cristian and Xiara. They are part of a super awesome family! Yesterday, after skype, we helped the mom, Janice, accept a baptismal date for the 28 of this month! We are pumped!

Today we also have a baptism, Renzo. The misioneries have been working with him for a long time now. His sisters are very excited for his baptism and he is going to make an excellent member. He has had his struggles, but is willing to give everything up to follow Christ. 

My companion, Elder Reschke- that gringo you all met at skype, has a transfer. Yep, I will officially end the mission with 15 companions and 8 areas. It`s kinda of a lot. My new companion is the youngest zone leaders, in terms of time in the mission, that President Erickson has ever called. I new him well in Tahua en the offices, and am super excited to train him as a zone leader. Next week I might not have a lot of time to write the family, but just know that I still love you all.

Seeing you all on Mother`s Day was amazing. I am glad that I finally got to meet my ^new brother^. I am glad to hear that everything is going well and know that my prayers are always with you. (I also really appreciate the prayers on my part)

Elder Bradford

PS I have photos!

Monday, May 2, 2016

¡La meta! y una visita de los asistentes 21-9-10

Well, this week has just been a roller coaster. As always we kept busy with work visitas with other missionaries and trying to keep to the zone pumped. We put a rather high goal for baptisms and rescues. 21 baptisms with 9 familias and 10 adult males. Last month we fell short of our goal and finished with only 5 baptisms. But we are super excited to work with this new goal. The missionaries were a little surprised at first, but are now working hard trying to find the people that God has prepared, and that gets me super excited!

We right now have Renzo and Cristian ready for their baptisms this week. We also have another awesome family that wants to listen to us but the wife is literally going to give birth any moment now and that makes matters a little complicated. Prayers are always appreciated. 

We were also blessed to receive a visita from the assistants this week. They kinda took us by suprise, they called us at 10:30 at night informing us that they were waiting outside our door. Only two of the three came, Elder Crespo y Elder Buckner. They came mainly to check up on us and ask how they could help us reach our goal, (Like I said, it´s a little high). It was an amazing visit, mainly because I have worked so closely with both of them for a really long time. There were a lot of jokes and memories shared, but also a lot of helpful advice. 

The work continues to roll forth. Sometimes it feels like a roller coaster, which is awesome because there is nothing else to do sometimes but sit back and enjoy the ride. 

Elder Bradford

PS I should be calling around 4pm Utah time, maybe a little later. 

I was going to buy it, but I was a little unsure of how I would get it on the plane.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Mi ultima vez en el centro de Lima.

So, this week for Pday we went to the center of Lima and went through an awesome museum of history and art and money of Peru. Afterwards Elder Reschke, my companion, and I hit up the markets. I feel like I found some pretty sweet things, but we´ll see what you all think when I get home with it. (If anyone wants anything now would be the time to tell me.)

This week has been kinda busy with work visits and helping other misioneries in their areas. As a zone we did not achieve the level of sucess that we had hoped for. Part of the problem came from the elecciones that are going on, some of the marriage papers got complicated and the couples now have to wait until June until after the eleccion process ends.  

In our area we currently have two investigatores with a date for baptism. Cristian and Renzo, both are for the 7 of May. We are super excited becuase they both have strong testimonies and will be excellent Melcesidec Priesthood holders. 

I hope everything is well back home and look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on Mother´s day!

Elder Bradford